Rock My Run

Backend development using Nest.js for a music streaming company.
Rock My Run platform
About Client
Name: Rock My World Media
Additional Website:
Nest.js, Node.js, postgresql, TypeScript, websocket, Next.js, fastify

Developed the backend server using Nest.js and Node.js to handle all music, client and other data and metadata.

Set up automatic error reporting, global exception handling and other tools to help detect, find and fix bugs and issues. The system also utilizes a slack bot and email alerts.

Implemented authentication with various permission levels, roles and guards.

Developed the system used to prevent concurrent music listening. The system utilizes websockets and JWTs to make sure only 1 instance of an account is active.

Implemented automatic data transformation and validation upon receiving requests using class-transformer and class-validator.

Protected music data using signed URLs via AWS.

Designed and developed the password reset frontend website and automatic hosting from the API backend.

The backend(s) developed serve these products:

Rock My Run

Rock My Fitness Class

Rock My Gym

Rock My Venue